LootBox Weird bug
Last updated
Last updated
The reason why this happend is , you didnt add any skull for any lootbox so if you have a bug like this or flying chests or game crashes : The fix is really easy , just run the command : /lootbox go to edit menu , click on every lootbox you created and add a skin for it : you can do this by going to this amazing website it provide you with everything!: https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/search?searchword=loot For example : but remmber to edit the link to this -> http://textures.minecraft.net/textu...1f9a99f4ad9a73f1d2b1fe7bc46bacc4143151d506e07 it will be http and not https .. you need to do this step for every lootbox , after you finish restart the minecraft server and run this command : /skyadmin purge and it should fix the bug